Become Highly Efficient at

Saving Money

Lower your heat bill with high-efficiency, Energy Star certified heating systems.

Receive NYS Clean Act Incentives on new cold climate air source heat pumps, mini-splits, and heat pump water heater systems.

Adema offers.

Adema offers Mitsubishi Electric products that are eligible for NYS Clean Act Incentives. Replacing your heating systems may seem like a large task, but NYS Clean Act Incentives make it not only more accessible but help provide the largest long term savings through faster access to better, more efficient products.

Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps

Hyper efficient and quiet heat pumps that operate at a fraction of the cost of oil or propane. They work down to sub-zero temperatures to comfortably and efficiently heat your home.


  • 100% heating capacity at -5 F
  • Reduced long-term maintenance
  • Cleaner air flow


Single or multi-zone options allows you more flexibility to heat a single room, or an entire home.


  • Very low utility costs
  • Single or multi-zone options
  • Zero emissions

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Hot Water Heat Pumps can provide energy efficient solutions for all applications where water is required to be heated or cooled.


  • Highest level of energy efficiency
  • Lowest running costs
  • Multi-functional with many applications
wall thermostat

More Solutions

  • Gas-Fired HVAC Furnaces
  • Gas-Fired Hot Water or Steam Boilers
  • Radiant Heat
  • Garage Unit Heaters
  • Space Heaters
  • Infrared Heaters Systems

& More

Are you eligible for NYS Clean Act Incentives?

Most likely! Reach out today at 716-834-7611 or schedule your free, in-home cost savings estimate and start saving money on your heating bill.

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